


Visible Auroras

3-Day Forecast Issued: 2024 Jun 16 1250 UTC

NOAA Geomagnetic Activity

The greatest observed 3 hr Kp over the past 24 hours was 5 (NOAA Scale G1).

The greatest expected 3 hr Kp for Jun 16-Jun 18 2024 is 4.00 (below NOAA Scale levels).

Rationale: No G1 (Minor) or greater geomagnetic storms are expected. No significant transient or recurrent solar wind features are forecast.

NOAA Solar Radiation Activity

Solar radiation, as observed by NOAA GOES-18 over the past 24 hours, was below S-scale storm level thresholds.

Rationale: There is a chance for S1 (Minor) solar radiation storms over 16-18 Jun. C.

Solar Radiation Storm Forecast for Jun 16-Jun 18 2024
Jun 16 Jun 17 Jun 18
S1 or greater 10% 10% 10%

NOAA Radio Blackout Activity

No radio blackouts were observed over the past 24 hours.

Rationale: R1-R2 (Minor-Moderate) radio blackouts are likely, with a slight chance for R3 (Strong) or greater events, over 16-18 Jun.

Radio Blackout Forecast for Jun 16-Jun 18 2024
Jun 16 Jun 17 Jun 18
R1-R2 55% 55% 55%
R3 or greater 10% 10% 10%

NOAA Geomagnetic Forecast (Issued: 2024 Jun 15 2205 UTC)

Ap Index Forecast

Observed Ap 14 Jun 006

Estimated Ap 15 Jun 019

Predicted Ap 16 Jun-18 Jun 015-008-015

Geomagnetic Activity Probabilities 06 Mar-08 Mar

Active 35/25/35

Minor storm 25/10/25

Moderate storm 10/01/10

Strong-Extreme storm 01/01/01


How often is information updated?

The heatmap at the top of the page is live updates each time you refresh the page. All other data on the page including the tables are updated on 30min intervals.

What is the Kp-index?

The Kp-index is the global geomagnetic activity index that is based on 3-hour measurements from ground-based magnetometers around the world. Each station is calibrated according to its latitude and reports a certain K-indice depending on the geomagnetic activity measured at the location of the magnetometer. The K-index itself is a three hour long quasi-logarithmic local index of the geomagnetic activity at the given location and time compared to a calm day curve. A magnetometer measures the maximum deviation of the horizontal component of the magnetic field at its location and reports this. The global Kp-index is then determined with an algorithm that puts the reported K-values of every station together. The Kp-index ranges from 0 to 9 where a value of 0 means that there is very little geomagnetic activity and a value of 9 means extreme geomagnetic storming.

The Estimated 3-hour Planetary Kp-index.

The Estimated 3-hour Planetary Kp-index is a preliminary Kp-index derived at the NOAA Space Weather Prediction Center using minute by minute data from a number of ground-based magnetometers that relay data in near-real time. These observatories are located in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Germany and Australia.

The Estimated 3-hour Planetary Kp-index gives us a quick indication of the strongest observed geomagnetic activity over a 3-hour period. These periods are: 0000-0300 UTC, 0300-0600 UTC, etc. The maximum positive and negative deviations during the 3-hour period are added together to determine the total maximum fluctuation. These maximum deviations may occur anytime during the 3-hour period. During periods with high geomagnetic activity, the NOAA Space Weather Prediction Center will send out alerts based on this near-real time minute by minute data as soon as a certain alert threshold (Kp4 or higher) has been reached. The image below shows a plot of the Estimated 3-hour Planetary Kp-index from October 2003 with 3 days of intense geomagnetic storming.

Kp Kp in decimals G-scale Auroral Activity
0o 0,00 G0 Quiet
0+ 0,33 G0 Quiet
1- 0,67 G0 Quiet
1o 1,00 G0 Quiet
1+ 1,33 G0 Quiet
2- 1,67 G0 Quiet
2o 2,00 G0 Quiet
2+ 2,33 G0 Quiet
3- 2,67 G0 Unsettled
3o 3,00 G0 Unsettled
3+ 3,33 G0 Unsettled
4- 3,67 G0 Active
4o 4,00 G0 Active
4+ 4,33 G0 Active
5- 4,67 G1 Minor storm
5o 5,00 G1 Minor storm
5+ 5,33 G1 Minor storm
6- 5,67 G2 Moderate storm
6o 6,00 G2 Moderate storm
6+ 6,33 G2 Moderate storm
7- 6,67 G3 Strong storm
7o 7,00 G3 Strong storm
7+ 7,33 G3 Strong storm
8- 7,67 G4 Severe storm
8o 8,00 G4 Severe storm
8+ 8,33 G4 Severe storm
9- 8,67 G4 Severe storm
9o 9,00 G5 Extreme storm


Current Kp level now

Fetches the current global kp level

$ curl https://auroraforecast.space/api/kp/now

Kp Levels 3-Day forecast graph

Fetches timeframes and corresponding global kp levels for the timeframe.

$ curl https://auroraforecast.space/api/kp/forecast
{"x": ["Aug 01 00-03", "Aug 01 03-06", "Aug 01 06-09", "Aug 01 09-12", "Aug 01 12-15", "Aug 01 15-18", "Aug 01 18-21", "Aug 01 21-00", "Aug 02 00-03", "Aug 02 03-06", "Aug 02 06-09", "Aug 02 09-12", "Aug 02 12-15", "Aug 02 15-18", "Aug 02 18-21", "Aug 02 21-00", "Aug 03 00-03", "Aug 03 03-06", "Aug 03 06-09", "Aug 03 09-12", "Aug 03 12-15", "Aug 03 15-18", "Aug 03 18-21", "Aug 03 21-00"], "y": [3, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 4, 4, 4, 3, 3, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 3, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3]}